Authorized Distributor of Eco Systems Fuel Enhancer
The Eco Systems Fuel Enhancer has been commercially available on the US market
for over 9 years and is now available in Canada.

Proven reductions in fuel consumption and emissions


Heavy Equipment




Gravel Truck with JIC #10 Fittings

ECO Fuel Enhancer on CAT Front End Loader

ECO #4 on San Patricio
County, Road Roller

ECO-5 Caterpillar
Road Grader



Tractor Dyno Test Results (pdf)

Fuel consumption was reduced by 10.2% and horsepower gained by 5.5% net improvement, a gain of 13 hp.

"We feel the ECO #4 performed very well. The owner of the tractor was very pleased with the results and this fall he intends to install the Eco Systems product on remaining 2 Magnum tractors."

2008 CASE/IH 275 Magnum MFWD Tractor with 780 hours

ECO-5 on John Deere Tractor   ECO #3 on New Holland Tractor


Buffalo Marine Service

"Our towboat used 10,000 gallons of fuel in three round trips. After we installed the Eco System units, she now uses 8,000 gallons!"

Charles (Chuck) King - Buffalo Marine Service - Houston, Tx.

Buffalo Marine has been using the ECO Systems for a number of years, and has them on on 14 tugs, and 18 barges.

Boat with twin Detroit Diesels
ECO-4 Fuel Enhancer on each engine
Suzuki 4 Stroke after Primer  

Drilling Rig

Drilling Rigs reducing soot and saving 150 gal/day
ECO-5 for large engines


Heavy duty generator with Eco System Fuel Enhancer  

Mining Truck

Mining Truck reducing soot - Hitachi EH1100  

Natural Gas - Burners & Pumps

Emissions Technology Inc. is pleased to announce the completion of trials on boilers, burners, and natural gas fired combustion engines.

The ECO-5 is available in two models, one for a 3/4" line and one for a 1/2" line. The ECO-7 fits a 2" gas line. They are suitable for boilers and burners found in many larger buildings, and in diverse commercial applications. They are also suitable for natural gas engines, including pumps.

The trial data is conclusive. Conducted by 3rd party research teams, they have demonstrated a useful reduction in natural gas consumption in diverse applications including fixed engines and burners. For additional information, please contact us.

ECO-7 On a Natural Gas Fired Cummins Pump Engine


ECO-7 On a Natural Gas Fired Cummins Pump Engine