Authorized Distributor of Eco Systems Fuel Enhancer
The Eco Systems Fuel Enhancer has been commercially available on the US market
for over 9 years and is now available in Canada.

Proven reductions in fuel consumption and emissions


Research and Test Results

The ECO Systems Fuel Enhancer saves fuel and improves performance. At an average 10% savings for liquid fuel, if your engine consumes lots of fuel, the ECO-2, ECO-4, or ECO-5 will pay for itself in a hurry.

Fuels like propane offer savings too, but not 10% on average.

For big engines, a 3% or 4% savings has an ROI measured in weeks. If your results are not up to your expectations, return it to us within 90 days for a refund on the purchase price.

We don't mention the upper end of our customer's gas savings, since it establishes unrealistic expectations.

Yes. Some units have been returned under our 90 Day Money Back Guarantee. The reason? False expectations. If your vehicle sips fuel, and you want a 30% improvement, well, good luck. Some of our customers have seen it, but it's rare, and we don't sell it that way.

Lab tests help explain some of the physics of the ECO Systems, but the most valuable data comes from actual real life customer data, which we have accumulated over the past 9 years. Their vehicles, their data, their fuel and their driving, thus giving real results, and money in the bank, not the fuel pump.

Some test results and testimonials from our customers are below. These include commercial customers, school districts, county governments, city governments, law enforcement, fleet operators, independent operators and consumers.

(A full list is available here on our manufacturer's website)

...when When Don walked into the service department trying to sell this "snake oil" I was certain of his ultimate failure.

...Needless to say, I had to swallow my pride and admit defeat.


Patrick Stephens
Asst. Service Manager
Red McCombs Hyundai Northwest

Read the full comment here

Horry County, South Carolina 10 Week MPG test (pdf)
Horry County Fleet Service

"Prior to installation the vehicle was getting an average of 18.67 mpg. After installation of the device, the vehicle was getting an average of 21.13 mpg."

"This is an increase of 2.46 mpg. per each refueling of the vehicle."

Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Reductions - Victoria County
1994 Chevy 1500 Pickup, 5.7 liter V8 (pdf)

Test performed by Midas of Victoria, Texas

Product Testing Report (pdf)
El Paso County Road & Bridge Department

Mark S. Macias - Equipment Maintenance Foreman

"It’s my opinion that the Road and Bridge department will benefit considerably from the addition of this product on its equipment. It has proved to be productive in the fuel economy improvements, power enhancements and emission reductions."

Tested on 5 different vehicles
  1994 Chevrolet C-1500 Flatbed pick-up
  1999 Chevrolet C-3500 Field Service vehicle
  2000 Freightliner FL-60 our Field Mechanic vehicle
  2004 Sterling Truck/Tractor
  2005 Komatsu Loader

Evaluation Results (pdf)
Leander Independent School District, Texas

Tested on 8 buses over 4 months
Average fuel savings for the 8 buses of 26%

B6 Enterprises - Long Haul Trucking, El Paso, Texas

On 17 August 2007, B6 Enterprises agreed to have installed an ECO-Systems Fuel Vapor Enhancer on B6 Enterprises' truck 024.

Our intention was to validate ECO-Systems' claim of a 10% fuel savings.

At the time of installation, truck number 024 was consistently delivering 6.47 miles per gallon. Over the course of our test, lasting 30 days, we saw an improvement of 11.6%, increasing our mileage to 7.22 miles per gallon.

Based on this successful test we have installed ECO-Systems on the entirety of our fleet. At this rate of return it will take less than one month to recoup the cost of the ECO-Systems. As a matter of fact by the time our test had ended we had already saved enough fuel to pay for the ECO-System we tested on 024.

Every day we waited to finish the testing cost B6 Enterprises money in saved fuel costs. In such an incredibly competitive industry where savings are so hard to come by we would have done better to install the ECO-Systems fleet wide at the beginning of the test and simply relied on ECO-Systems' money back guarantee to protect our investment.

My hesitation was based on the countless products that make the same claims ECO-Systems did. I have since recommended the technology to my friends, other trucking company owners, and I have allowed ECO-Systems to use my name and endorsement in their marketing efforts.

Dan Gotaas, President